Degrasse Tyson, Neil
Lang, Avis
Editorial Norton
Fecha de edición octubre 2018 · Edición nº 1
Idioma inglés
EAN 9780393064445
576 páginas
encuadernado en tapa dura
Dimensiones 244 mm x 168 mm
In this fascinating foray into the millennia-long relationship between science and military power, acclaimed astrophysicist and "the world's best science communicator" (Times Literary Supplement) Neil deGrasse Tyson and writer-researcher Avis Lang examine how the methods and tools of astrophysics have been enlisted in the service of war. "The overlap is strong, and the knowledge flows in both directions", say the authors, because astrophysicists and military planners care about many of the same things: multi-spectral detection, ranging, tracking, imaging, high ground, nuclear fusion and access to space. Tyson and Lang call it a "curiously complicit" alliance.
"The universe is both the ultimate frontier and the highest of high grounds", they write. "Shared by both space scientists and space warriors, it's a laboratory for one and a battlefield for the other. The explorer wants to understand it; the soldier wants to dominate it.
But without the right technology-which is more or less the same technology for both parties-nobody can get to it, operate in it, scrutinise it, dominate it or use it to their advantage and someone else's disadvantage." Spanning early celestial navigation to satellite-enabled warfare, Accessory to War is a richly researched and provocative examination of the intersection of science, technology, industry and power that will introduce Tyson's millions of fans to yet another dimension of how the universe has shaped our lives and our world.
Neil deGrasse Tyson es uno de los mayores divulgadores científicos de la actualidad. Se doctoró en Astrofísica por la Universidad de Columbia en 1991 y ha recibido múltiples premios y honores de universidades de todo el mundo. Es el director del Planetario Hayden en el Centro Rose para la Tierra y el Espacio e investigador asociado en el Departamento de Astrofísica del Museo Americano de Historia Natural.<br> Ha participado en diversos programas de televisión, como The Daily Show, y desde 2006 presenta el programa NOVA ScienceNOW, del canal Boston WGBH. También sustituyó al legendario presentador Carl Sagan en la versión del siglo XXI de la gran serie documental Cosmos, que se estrenó a escala mundial en National Geographic Channel, con el título Orígenes.