Editorial Atlantic Books
Fecha de edición mayo 2009
Idioma inglés
EAN 9781843548034
464 páginas
encuadernado en tapa blanda
Few historical enquiries can tell us as much about the world we live in today as the story of the origins and development of world trade.
A Splendid Exchange tells the epic story of global commerce, from its prehistoric origins to the myriad controversies surrounding it today. It travels from the sugar rush that brought the British to Jamaica in the seventeenth century to the firestorm over globalization today, from the silk route between China and Rome in the second century to the rise and fall of the Portuguese monopoly in spices in the sixteenth. Along the way, William Bernstein examines how our age-old dependency on trade has contributed to our planet's agricultural bounty, stimulated intellectual and industrial progress, and made us both prosperous and vulnerable.
Considerado como uno de los grandes héroes de la inversión independiente, Bernstein se ha creado su nombre poniendo en tela de juicio el valor de la sabiduría de Wall Street, reflexionando acerca de las recomendaciones de brockers y demostrando a los inversores cómo conducir sus inversiones con inteligencia, con éxito y a largo plazo.