A Population History of the United States

A Population History of the United States

Klein, Herbert S.

Editorial Cambridge University Press (UK)
Fecha de edición septiembre 2012 · Edición nº 2

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781107613621
296 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  34,80 €

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Resumen del libro

The first full-scale, one-volume survey of the demographic history of the United States has been fully updated here. From the arrival of humans in the Western Hemisphere to the current century, Klein analyses the basic demographic trends in the growth of the pre-conquest, colonial and national populations. From the origin and distribution of the Native Americans to late 20th century changes in family structure, fertility and mortality, this updated edition incorporates recent research, including data from the 2010 census. In this definitive study, Klein explores regional patterns of fertility and mortality, trends in births, deaths and international and internal migrations, comparing them with contemporary European developments. The profound impact of historic declines in disease and mortality rates on the population structure of the late-20th century is explained, while the more recent urbanisation and rise of suburbia are examined within the context of new massive international migrations on North American society.

This updated edition incorporates recent research, including data from the 2010 census
Written for non-specialists, but surveys all the technical literature
Surveys the history of the North American population from early man to the present

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