A History of the Cuban Revolution

A History of the Cuban Revolution

Chomsky, Aviva

Editorial John Wiley
Fecha de edición abril 2015 · Edición nº 2

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781118942284
248 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  28,55 €

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Resumen del libro

A fully-revised and updated new edition of a concise and insightful socio-historical analysis of the Cuban revolution, and the course it took over five and a half decades.

Now available in a fully-revised second edition, including new material to add to the books coverage of Cuba over the past decade under Raul Castro
All of the existing chapters have been updated to reflect recent scholarship
Balances social and historical insight into the revolution with economic and political analysis extending into the twenty-first century
Juxtaposes U.S. and Cuban perspectives on the historical impact of the revolution, engaging and debunking the myths and preconceptions surrounding one of the most formative political events of the twentieth century
Incorporates more student-friendly features such as a timeline and glossary

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