A First Book of Nature

A First Book of Nature

Davies, Nicola

Editorial Walker
Fecha de edición abril 2014 · Edición nº 1

Idioma español
Ilustrador Hearld, Mark

EAN 9781406349160
108 páginas

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P.V.P.  19,75 €

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Resumen del libro

This is an exquisite book that evokes a child's first experience of nature. From beachcombing to stargazing, from watching squirrels, ducks and worms to making berry crumble or a winter bird feast, this is a remarkable book - part poetry, part scrapbook of recipes, facts and fragments - and a glorious reminder that the natural world is on our doorstep waiting to be discovered. Mark Hearld's pictures beautifully reproduce the colours of the seasons on woodfree paper, and Nicola Davies' lyrical words capture the simple loveliness that is everywhere, if only we can look.

It is the winner of the English 4-11 Award. It is exquisitely illustrated by a top contemporary illustrator and written by an award-winning non-fiction writer. It encourages children to go outdoors to explore and enjoy the natural world.

Biografía del autor

Es una autora galardonada por numerosos libros para niños. Se licenció en zoología, ha estudiado las ballenas y los murciélagos, y luego trabajó para la Unidad de Historia Natural de la BBC. Nicola vive en Abergavenny, Gales.

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