Mostrando 3 libros encontrados (1 páginas)
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 48 páginas
PVP: 24,50 €
ISBN 978-0-395-16995-7
EAN 9780395169957
Lyle the crocodile is very happy living with the Primms, getting to play with Joshua and the neighborhood kids and help out around the house. However, a neighbor and his anxious cat cause problems for Lyle. Try as he might, he can't win over Loretta and Mr. Grumps. It seems that everything he does winds ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 24 páginas
PVP: 13,30 €
ISBN 978-0-358-27261-8
EAN 9780358272618
Everyone in the neighbourhood loves Lyle the crocodile - except for a cranky neighbour and his nervous cat! Can lovable Lyle make everything right with his grumpy neighbours? This classic is now available in a board book! Perfect for little hands and bright minds. Lyle, Lyle Crocodile lives with the Primm family in the house ...
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-¿Qué cosas te gustan? -le pregunta el padre a su hija una tarde de otoño mientras pasean por el parque.La pequeña responde que le gustan los perros, los gatos y las tortugas.También los gansos.-¿Los gansos en el agua o en el cielo? -La niña contesta que ambos.Se inicia así el diálogo que entablan padre e ...
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