Pseudónimo de Helen Lyndon Goff, P. L. Travers (1899-1996) nació en Australia, si bien en 1925 se trasladó a Inglaterra, donde adaptó su nuevo nombre y residió el resto de su vida. Admiradora de James M. Barrie (creador de "Peter Pan"), fue una mujer de fuerte personalidad y temperamento independiente cuyo carácter vivo y curioso la llevó a viajar por buena parte del mundo.
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Popularizadas en todo el mundo por la versión cinematográfica que de ellas hiciera en 1964 Walt Disney, las aventuras de Mary Poppins son un clásico de la literatura infantil y juvenil.Con todo, a través de la singular institutriz, P.L.Travers dio vida a un personaje a caballo entre el hada buena de cuya protección y virtudes ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda de bolsillo · 464 páginas
PVP: 12,95 €
ISBN 978-84-9181-317-0
EAN 9788491813170
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 192 páginas
PVP: 20,80 €
ISBN 978-0-00-828936-2
EAN 9780008289362
An exquisite flagship gift edition of an iconic classic, illustrated by the current Waterstones Children's Laureate, Lauren Child. When Mary Poppins arrives at their house on a gust of the East Wind and slides up the bannister, Jane and Michael Banks's lives are turned magically upside down. Who better to reimagine this endearing children's classic ...
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Estuche encuadernado en tapa blanda · 1040 páginas
PVP: 27,00 €
ISBN 978-0-544-45683-9
EAN 9780544456839
Four classic stories about the most famous nanny in the world, all together in a fabulous new boxed set!Who can slide up banisters, banish naughtiness with a swift "Spit-spot," and turn a make-believe sidewalk drawing into a lovely day in the park? Mary Poppins, of course! From the moment the beloved nanny arrives at Number ...
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Mary Poppins es uno de los primeros relatos modernos que abandona los cauces narrativos tradicionales por la creación de mundos imaginarios, la reivindicación del absurdo, de la fantasía, del humor y la supresión de los límites entre lo real y lo irreal. Disfruta de este clásico en esta edición con nuevo diseño de cubierta ilustrada ...
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Libro · 96 páginas
PVP: 13,25 €
ISBN 978-88-389-3578-7
EAN 9788838935787
È la vigilia di Natale e nella cattedrale di Saint Paul per la prima volta dopo la guerra suonano le campane e come per tradizione i bambini portano sotto l'albero i giocattoli che non usano più per i bambini poveri. Ma separarsi da un vecchio leone spelacchiato, da un topo senza coda e da un ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 96 páginas
PVP: 15,75 €
ISBN 978-0-349-00571-3
EAN 9780349005713
For the first time since the war, the Christmas peal is ringing at St Paul's Cathedral. There is joy. There is new hope.It is Christmas Eve, the carol service has ended, and a woman with three small boys leaves the cathedral, the children swooping like pigeons. 'Why weren't there any wild animals at the crib? ...
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In questi tre racconti si trovano le origini di Mary Poppins, ossia le storie dei tre personaggi, incontrati nella vita, da cui P. L. Travers trasse i caratteri fondamentali della sua tata e tante delle sue invenzioni. In origine, furono stampati privatamente, nel 1940, come regali di Natale per gli amici e i familiari. L'autrice, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 208 páginas
PVP: 7,15 €
ISBN 978-0-544-43956-6
EAN 9780544439566
With a brand new look, this classic tale continues to enchant readers of all ages!From the moment Mary Poppins arrives at Number Seventeen Cherry-Tree Lane, everyday life at the Banks house is forever changed. It all starts when Mary Poppins is blown by the east wind onto the doorstep of the Banks house. She becomes ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 304 páginas
PVP: 7,35 €
ISBN 978-0-544-43957-3
EAN 9780544439573
With a brand-new look, Mary Poppins is here again to take the Banks children in hand, leading them from one head-spinning adventure to another.Pulled down from the clouds at the end of a kite string, Mary Poppins is back. In Marys care, the Banks children meet the King of the Castle and the Dirty Rascal, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 128 páginas
PVP: 14,15 €
ISBN 978-0-349-00568-3
EAN 9780349005683
Friends come in many guises. In these autobiographical stories, three characters - an eccentric great aunt, a Chinese cook and a foul-mouthed ex-jockey - assert a lifelong influence on the narrator, as she looks back over her childhood. Much like Mary Poppins, each comes into the child's life just when she needs them most.And each, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 1024 páginas
PVP: 26,10 €
ISBN 978-0-544-34047-3
EAN 9780544340473
Since the 1934 publication of Mary Poppins, the exploits of this magical nanny have delighted children and adults the world over. In honor of the book's 80th anniversary comes this lush collection which includes the first four tales by P.L. Travers, illustrated by Mary Shepard.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
PVP: 21,10 €
ISBN 978-989-641-419-1
EAN 9789896414191
Jane e Michael não gostavam da sua antiga ama. Também não tinham a certeza de ir gostar da nova: Mary Poppins. Rapidamente mudaram de ideias quando a viram deslizar pelo corrimão acima - e retirar de seguida várias coisas empolgantes de um saco de alcatifa vazio. Agora a única preocupação deles é que ela não ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 208 páginas
PVP: 13,50 €
ISBN 978-84-206-8337-9
EAN 9788420683379
Popularizadas en todo el mundo por la versión cinematográfica que de ellas hiciera en 1964 Walt Disney, las aventuras de "Mary Poppins" son un clásico de la literatura infantil y juvenil. La institutriz que aparece volando para cuidar de los hermanos Banks y que transforma a partir de entonces su vida cotidiana en una realidad ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 176 páginas
PVP: 20,75 €
ISBN 978-0-00-754259-8
EAN 9780007542598
The original best-loved classic about the world's most famous nanny - Mary Poppins. When the Banks family advertise for a nanny, Mary Poppins and her talking umbrella appear out of the sky, ready to take the children on extraordinary adventures. Mary Poppins is strict but fair, and soon Michael and Jane are whisked off to ...
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This fantastic omnibus edition contains all six original Mary Poppins stories: Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins Comes Back, Mary Poppins Opens the Door, Mary Poppins in the Park, Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane / Mary Poppins and the House Next Door (2-in-1 edition). All magical children's classics, it's the perfect gift. When their new nanny, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 211 páginas
PVP: 10,40 €
ISBN 978-88-17-02963-6
EAN 9788817029636
Cosa aggiungere su Mary Poppins, governante per antonomasia, la più sognata dai bambini? In una nuova edizione l'avventura della famiglia Banks e di Mary Poppins. Severa, certo e molto esigente, ma anche piena di sorprese e meraviglie, a partire dalla borsa da cui escono decine e decine di oggetti. E poi andare al parco con ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 192 páginas
PVP: 10,25 €
ISBN 978-0-00-728641-6
EAN 9780007286416
The Banks children, Jane and Michael, change nannies just about as often as most people change their clothes. It's not that they're naughty, exactly just awkward. Everyone in the household is at their wits' end with them until Mary Poppins arrives The Classic tale from P.L Travers.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 210 páginas
PVP: 15,00 €
ISBN 978-0-15-205810-4
EAN 9780152058104
From the moment Mary Poppins arrives at Number Seventeen Cherry-Tree Lane, everyday life at the Banks house is forever changed. This classic series tells the story of the world's most beloved nanny, who brings enchantment and excitement with her everywhere she goes. Featuring the charming original cover art by Mary Shepard, these new editions are ...
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