x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;strong Hanif Kureishi,x{0026}lt;/strong de origen paquistaní, nació en Inglaterra en 1954. Estudió Filosofía en el Kingx{0026} x02019;s College de Londres, y allí empezó a escribir para el teatro; ganó el George Devine Award con x{0026}lt;em Outskirts.x{0026}lt;/em En Anagrama se han publicado sus guiones de las películas x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Mi hermosa lavanderíax{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong (1985), x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Sammy y Rosie se lo montanx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong y x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Londres me matax{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong (esta última dirigida por él mismo), sus novelas x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El buda de los suburbiosx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong (Premio Whitbread y adaptada a serie televisiva por la BBC), x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El álbum negro, Intimidadx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong (adaptada al cine en 2001), x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El regalo de Gabriel, Mi oído en su corazón, Algo que contarte, La última palabrax{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong y x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Nada de nada,x{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong dos libros de relatos, x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Amor en tiempos tristesx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong y x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Siempre es medianoche, El cuerpo,x{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong una novela acompañada de varios relatos, y el libro de textos autobiográficos x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Soñar y contarx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong (2004).x{0026}lt;/p
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 192 páginas
PVP: 21,75 €
ISBN 978-0-241-66795-8
EAN 9780241667958
On Boxing Day 2022, in Rome, Hanif Kureishi had a fall. When he came to, in a pool of blood, he was horrified to realise he had lost the use of his limbs. He could no longer walk, write or wash himself. He could do nothing without the help of others, and required constant care ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 200 páginas
PVP: 18,90 €
ISBN 978-84-339-6476-2
EAN 9788433964762
Relatos, textos autobiográficos y ensayos de un Kureishi en plena forma: mordaz, sagaz, vibrante y provocador.Este libro reúne un variado repertorio de piezas breves de Hanif Kureishi: relatos, textos autobiográficos y ensayos. Un buen muestrario del talento narrativo y la punzante mirada del escritor.Entre los primeros: un hombre de negocios viaja en un avión al ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 688 páginas
PVP: 18,90 €
ISBN 978-0-571-24982-4
EAN 9780571249824
Over the course of the last 12 years, Hanif Kureishi has written short fiction. The stories are, by turns, provocative, erotic, tender, funny and charming as they deal with the complexities of relationships as well as the joys of children. This collection contains his controversial story Weddings and Beheadings, a well as his prophetic My ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 48 páginas
PVP: 5,45 €
ISBN 978-0-571-35615-7
EAN 9780571356157
I'm going to tell him to pick up his prayer mat and get out of my house. When Parvez's son Ali starts clearing out his bedroom, Parvez assumes he's taking drugs and selling his possessions to pay for them. His fellow taxi drivers are triumphant: they knew something was wrong.Bettina, the prostitute Parvez regularly drives ...
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Libro · 160 páginas
PVP: 18,90 €
ISBN 978-84-339-8018-2
EAN 9788433980182
Waldo, notorio cineasta que conoció la gloria, los premios y el aplauso de crítica y público, permanece ahora postrado en una silla de ruedas por los achaques de su avanzada edad. Sin embargo, su libido sigue incólume, y su mujer, Zee india casada con un pakistaní y con dos hijas, a la que sedujo durante ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 176 páginas
PVP: 6,90 €
ISBN 978-0-571-33202-1
EAN 9780571332021
One night, when I am old, sick, right out of semen, and don't need things to get any worse, I hear the noises growing louder. I am sure they are making love in Zenab's bedroom which is next to mine. Waldo, a feted filmmaker, is confined by old age and ill health to his London ...
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Toutes réunies dans ce recueil d'exception, ces talentueuses nouvelles confirment qu'Hanif Kureishi est un auteur incontournable de la modernité anglaise. Qu'ils soient fragiles, blessés, déçus, ou encore obsédés, ses personnages n'en sont pas moins drôles et rock'n'roll. A travers des portraits marginaux d'une grande puissance poétique, Kureishi esquisse avec justesse la vie et ses tournants, ...
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WalWaldo, réalisateur, est contraint par son âge et son état de santé à rester enfermé dans son appartement londonien. Fragile et frustré, c'est Zee, sa charmante femme, bien plus jeune, qui s'occupe de lui. Mais lorsqu'il commence à soupçonner Zee d'avoir une liaison avec Eddie, qui est " bien plus qu'une connaissance et moins qu'un ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 288 páginas
PVP: 13,65 €
ISBN 978-0-571-33354-7
EAN 9780571333547
The Buddha of Suburbia, Hanif Kureishi's first novel, is a tour de force of comic invention, a bizarre, often hilarious, and totally original picture of the life of a young Pakistani growing up in 1970s Britain.Karim lives with his Mum and Dad in a suburb of south London and dreams of making his escape to ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 160 páginas
PVP: 13,05 €
ISBN 978-0-571-33355-4
EAN 9780571333554
A novel by the author of "The Buddha of Suburbia" and "My Beautiful Laundrette" which analyzes the agonies and joys of being connected to another person. Jay, who is leaving his partner and their two sons, reflects on the vicissitudes of his relationship with Susan.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 288 páginas
PVP: 13,25 €
ISBN 978-0-571-33201-4
EAN 9780571332014
One night, when I am old, sick, right out of semen, and don't need things to get any worse, I hear the noises growing louder. I am sure they are making love in Zenab's bedroom which is next to mine. Waldo, a feted filmmaker, is confined by old age and ill health to his London ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
PVP: 14,00 €
ISBN 978-0-571-31970-1
EAN 9780571319701
Hate skews reality even more than love. In the story of a Pakistani woman who has begun a new life in Paris, an essay about the writing of Kureishi's acclaimed film Le Week-End, and an account of Kafka's relationship with his father, readers will find Kureishi also exploring the topics that he continues to make ...
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Libro · 360 páginas
PVP: 21,50 €
ISBN 978-84-339-7630-7
EAN 9788433976307
Mi nombre es Karim Amir y soy inglés de los pies a la cabeza, casi. Así empieza El buda de los suburbios, la novela que, hace veinticinco años, inauguró triunfalmente la carrera de uno de los escritores británicos imprescindibles de las últimas décadas. El buda en cuestión es el padre de Karim, un respetable pakistaní ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 208 páginas
PVP: 18,00 €
ISBN 978-0-571-31969-5
EAN 9780571319695
Hate skews reality even more than love. In the story of a Pakistani woman who has begun a new life in Paris, an essay about the writing of Kureishi's acclaimed film Le Week-End, and an account of Kafka's relationship with his father, readers will find Kureishi also exploring the topics that he continues to make ...
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"My name is Karim Amir, and I am an Englishman born and bred, almost..." The hero of Hanif Kureishi's debut novel is dreamy teenager Karim, desperate to escape suburban South London and experience the forbidden fruits which the 1970s seem to offer. When the unlikely opportunity of a life in the theatre announces itself, Karim ...
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Écrivain d'origine indienne, Mamoon Azam jouit d'une renommée mondiale. Alors pour Harry Johnson, que l'on a chargé de sa biographie, l'occasion est trop belle ! Auprès de celui qu'il a toujours admiré et de sa nouvelle compagne, une Italienne haute en couleur, Harry se met immédiatement au travail. Mais entre soucis artistiques et commerciaux, célébrité ...
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Libro · 296 páginas
PVP: 19,90 €
ISBN 978-84-339-7907-0
EAN 9788433979070
Mamoon Azam es un monstruo sagrado, una vieja gloria literaria que ya ha escrito sus grandes obras y es un autor consagrado, pero cuyas ventas decrecen.Y sin esas ventas se le hace difícil poder mantener la casa en la campiña inglesa que comparte con su actual esposa, Liana, una italiana con carácter y bastantes menos ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
PVP: 15,50 €
ISBN 978-0-571-27753-7
EAN 9780571277537
The new novel from Hanif Kureishi: an outrageous, clever and very funny story of sex, lies, art and what defines a life.Mamoon is an eminent Indian-born writer who has made a career in England - but now, in his early seventies, his reputation is fading, sales have dried up, and his new wife has expensive ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 688 páginas
PVP: 15,00 €
ISBN 978-0-571-24980-0
EAN 9780571249800
Over the course of the last 12 years, Hanif Kureishi has written short fiction. The stories are, by turns, provocative, erotic, tender, funny and charming as they deal with the complexities of relationships as well as the joys of children. This collection contains his controversial story Weddings and Beheadings, a well as his prophetic My ...
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