Mostrando 6 libros encontrados (1 páginas)
'Araminta is one of the most daring and intriguing writers working today. This is a resonant, razor-laced and dangerously glittering novel' Gillian Flynn'An absolutely thrilling tale, full of breathless cliffside terror and fresh feminist theory masked in tight, propulsive mystery. I devoured this book' Lisa Taddeo*********If most men say they're one of the good guys, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 350 páginas
PVP: 18,50 €
ISBN 978-1-4091-9613-6
EAN 9781409196136
I loved Hidden Depths. Immersive, suspenseful and humane, this is a novel to savour' Louise CandlishPassenger...Lily is pregnant, travelling onboard the Titanic to her beloved family in the United States, hoping she can get there before her mind and body give up.For a long time now she's known her husband is not the man he's ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 368 páginas
PVP: 12,70 €
ISBN 978-1-4091-9610-5
EAN 9781409196105
This novel was previously published as Imperfect Women in hardback. FRIENDS TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING. DON'T THEY?'Love this book' Elisabeth Moss, star of The Handmaid's Tale'Rare and complex' Marian Keyes'A dark, delicious thriller.I loved it.' Louise O'Neill, author of Only Ever Yours'Immersive and unsettling.' Sarah Vaughn, author of Anatomy of a Scandal'I read this in ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 352 páginas
PVP: 9,95 €
ISBN 978-84-663-5029-7
EAN 9788466350297
CUANDO MICHAEL yVerity eran pareja jugaban aCrave. No era el típico juegoerótico que comparten dosamantes a puerta cerrada.Era algo público y mucho másperverso. De todo eso ya hapasado un año. Verity ya no ledevuelve las llamadas a Mike,no contesta a sus correos, yestá a punto de casarse conotro. Pero él sigue enamoradoy convencido de que ...
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Un juego entre amantes. Una obsesión. Un tipo de amor que lleva a la muerte.Un thriller distinto, una perturbadora vuelta de tuerca al suspense psicológico.Él dice que es amor. Para ella es obsesión.Mike y Verity llevaban nueve años juntos. Su relación era especial y les encantaba llevarla al límite con un juego muy personal, irresistible. ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 368 páginas
PVP: 15,50 €
ISBN 978-1-78089-825-4
EAN 9781780898254
Most of us spend our whole lives searching for the person who'll make us feel complete. But Mike and Verity know they're different. They've found their soulmate, and nothing can tear them apart.Not even the man Verity is marrying. Because they play a secret game, one they call 'the Crave', to demonstrate what they both ...
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