Mostrando 3 libros encontrados (1 páginas)
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 528 páginas
PVP: 27,05 €
ISBN 978-0-7156-3622-0
EAN 9780715636220
This is an enthralling guide to Russia's literary landscape. Russian writers have always played a special role in the spiritual, intellectual, and political lives of their readers. This book reveals the warmth and energy with which their legacy is cherished.The authors take the reader on a tour of sites of the most important scenes of ...
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Publicada en su versión original inglesa en 2004 para conmemorar el centenario de la muerte de Antón Chéjov, esta nueva y extraordinaria biografía enriquece ahora el panorama editorial español como la única y más completa disponible en castellano del escritor ruso. Chéjov, escenas de una vida ofrece un cuadro enormemente convincente no solo del hombre, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 432 páginas
PVP: 11,69 €
ISBN 978-0-7432-3075-9
EAN 9780743230759
Rosamund Bartlett is steeped in Chekhov's writings, having worked as a translator and lecturer on the culture and history of nineteenth-century Russia. She has written not simply another biography of Chekhov but brought new understanding to the writings and character of the man, set amidst the formidable landscape of the Russia he loved. This is ...
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