

Rodríguez García, Gonzalo

Editorial Oqo
Colección colección O, Número 0
Lugar de edición Areales (Mourente), España
Fecha de edición febrero 2009 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9788498710236
36 páginas
Libro Dimensiones 250 mm x 230 mm

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P.V.P.  13,50 €

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Resumen del libro

A mouse, full of curiosity, and wanting to be happy, sets off to see the world and meets up with two companions, a dog and an elephant.
After travelling through several magic lands and crossing the starry ocean, they come across the Cyclops Quickeye and, in their naïveté Elephant and dog end up in the monsters belly, but, luckily the curious little mouse manages to save his friends.
They all learn at the end of the story: some to be more wary, others not to use violence.
However, it does not offer a moral as is customary but motivates reflection arouses curiosity and questions in young readers.

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