Patricia Highsmith

Her Diaries and Notebooks

Patricia Highsmith

Highsmith, Patricia

Editorial Orion
Fecha de edición febrero 2024

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781474617611
672 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  18,75 €

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Resumen del libro

'My secrets - the secrets that everyone has - are here, in black and white.'Before Alfred Hitchcock adapted her debut novel, Strangers on a Train, for the big screen; before Thomas Ripley snaked his way into the canon of psychological suspense; before Carol became a cult classic of romantic obsession, who was Patricia Highsmith?Beginning in 1941 and encompassing Highsmith's adventurous twenties, The New York Years is an intimate self-portrait of a young artist, reading voraciously and honing her craft, intertwined with scenes from her dizzying social life, rife with sleepless nights spent in the queer bars of Greenwich Village. This condensed edition of Highsmith's monumental Diaries and Notebooks offers all the pleasures of her fiction, along with an unparalleled insight into the life, mind and times of this enigmatic, iconic, trailblazing author. 'One of the most observant and ecstatic accounts .

. . about being young and alive in New York City' New York Times

Biografía del autor

x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;strong Patricia Highsmithx{0026}lt;/strong (1921-1995) es una de las escritoras más originales y perturbadoras de la narrativa contemporánea. En Anagrama se han publicado las novelas x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Extraños en un trenx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El cuchillox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Carolx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El talento de Mr. Ripleyx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong (Premio Edgar Allan Poe y Gran Premio de la Literatura Policíaca),x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Mar de fondox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Un juego para los vivosx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Ese dulce mal, El grito de la lechuzax{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Las dos caras de enerox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em La celda de cristalx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Crímenes imaginarios, El temblor de la falsificaciónx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El juego del esconditex{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Rescate por un perrox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El amigo americanox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em El diario de Edithx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Tras los pasos de Ripleyx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Gente que llama a la puerta, El hechizo de Elsiex{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Ripley en peligrox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em y Small G: un idilio de veranox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , los libros de relatos x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Pequeños cuentos misóginosx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Crímenes bestialesx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Sirenas en el campo de golfx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Catástrofesx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Los cadáveres exquisitosx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Pájaros a punto de volarx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Una afición peligrosax{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong y x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Relatosx{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong (que incluye los primeros cinco libros de cuentos de la autora, tres de los cuales x{0026} x02013;x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em Oncex{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong , x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em A merced del vientox{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong y x{0026}lt;strong x{0026}lt;em La casa negrax{0026}lt;/em x{0026}lt;/strong x{0026} x02013; no habían aparecido hasta ahora en la editorial) y el libro de ensayos x{0026}lt;em x{0026}lt;strong Suspensex{0026}lt;/strong x{0026}lt;/em .x{0026}lt;/p x{0026}lt;p Fotografía de la autora Ruth Bernhard - Trustees of Princeton Universityx{0026}lt;/p

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