Laid Waste

Laid Waste

Gfrorer, Julia

Editorial Fantagraphic Books
Fecha de edición octubre 2016 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781606999714
80 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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Resumen del libro

A supernaturally strong medieval widow must decide how to use her powers in this graphic novel.

In a plague-ravaged medieval city, survival is a harsher fate than death. As corpses accumulate around her, Agnes, a young widow possessed of supernatural strength, must weigh her obligations to the dead and dying against her desire to protect what little remains. Laid Waste is a graphic novella about love and kindness among vermin in the putrid miasma at the end of the world. As with her evocative debut book, Black is the Color, Julia Gfrörer's delicate, gothic drawing style perfectly complements the period era of the books setting, bringing the lyricism and romanticism of her prose to the fore. Black x{0026} white illustrations throughout.

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