Mostrando 75 libros encontrados (4 páginas)
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What is Close-up? Develop students x{0026} English with Close-up, a flexible course for secondary and young adults, suitable for exam preparation, now with a brand-new A1+ level! Close-up brings English to life through spectacular National Geographic photography and facts carefully selected to appeal to the inquisitive minds of students. What is the Companion? The Close-up ...
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Libro · 330 páginas
PVP: 38,70 €
ISBN 978-1-4737-6524-5
EAN 9781473765245
Real situations, real language, real outcomes The second edition of Outcomes is the only course that is consistently focussed on helping students achieve the real-world communicative outcomes they want and need. This lexically rich course emphasises students' need to have the conversations in English that they would in their own language.
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Student's book + access code + class DVD + writing x{0026} vocabulary booklet.
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21st Century Communication is a four-level series that uses powerful ideas from TED Talks to teach learners to think critically and communicate effectively. Through authentic models of effective communication, students build fluency in the listening and speaking skills needed to achieve academic and personal success. TED Talks are used to develop essential 21st century skills, ...
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Real situations, real language, real outcomes The second edition of Outcomes is the only course that is consistently focussed on helping students achieve the real-world communicative outcomes they want and need. This lexically rich course emphasises students' need to have the conversations in English that they would in their own language.
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Real situations, real language, real Outcomes!The second edition of Outcomes has been fully revised and updated to provide contemporary, global content and stunning National Geographic photos and videos. Its trademark lexically-rich approach shows students how vocabulary works, and the evenly-paced grammar syllabus provides examples and tasks based on what people actually say and write. With ...
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21st Century Communication is a four-level series that uses powerful ideas from TED Talks to teach learners to think critically and communicate effectively. Through authentic models of effective communication, students build fluency in the listening and speaking skills needed to achieve academic and personal success.
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21st Century Communication is a four-level series that uses powerful ideas from TED Talks to teach learners to think critically and communicate effectively. Through authentic models of effective communication, students build fluency in the listening and speaking skills needed to achieve academic and personal success. TED Talks are used to develop essential 21st century skills, ...
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