Ali Smith (Inverness, 1964). Tuvo una madre irlandesa, un padre inglés y una educación escocesa (hasta que comenzó su doctorado en Newnham College, Cambridge). A los veinte años, después de que un debilitante ataque de síndrome de fatiga crónica descarriló su carrera académica, comenzó a escribir. Ahora, autora de ocho novelas y seis colecciones de cuentos, crea lo que podría llamarse ficción experimental, pero con un estilo fácil, agradable y de emocionante lectura. Escribe en The Guardian, The Scotsman y el Times Library Supplement. Actualmente vive en Cambridge. Es la autora de Free Love, Like, Other Stories and Other Stories, Hotel World y el Cuarteto estacional
Mostrando 41 libros encontrados (3 páginas)
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 208 páginas
PVP: 17,25 €
ISBN 978-0-241-20705-5
EAN 9780241207055
Spring will come. The leaves on its trees will open after blossom. Before it arrives, a hundred years of empire-making.The dawn breaks cold and still but, deep in the earth, things are growing.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 336 páginas
PVP: 13,80 €
ISBN 978-0-241-97333-2
EAN 9780241973332
Winter? Bleak. Frosty wind, earth as iron, water as stone, so the old song goes.The shortest days, the longest nights. The trees are bare and shivering. The summer's leaves? Dead litter.The world shrinks; the sap sinks. But winter makes things visible. And if there's ice, there'll be fire.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 208 páginas
PVP: 15,75 €
ISBN 978-0-241-20703-1
EAN 9780241207031
Bleak. Frosty wind, earth as iron, water as stone, so the old song goes. The shortest days, the longest nights.The trees are bare and shivering. The summer's leaves? Dead litter. The world shrinks; the sap sinks.But winter makes things visible. And if there's ice, there'll be fire. In Ali Smith's Winter, lifeforce matches up to ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 272 páginas
PVP: 13,95 €
ISBN 978-0-241-97331-8
EAN 9780241973318
Autumn. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. That's what it felt like for Keats in 1819.How about Autumn 2016? Daniel is a century old.Elisabeth, born in 1984, has her eye on the future. The United Kingdom is in pieces, divided by a historic once-in-a-generation summer.Love is won, love is lost. Hope is hand in hand ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 166 páginas
PVP: 16,95 €
ISBN 978-84-945100-8-3
EAN 9788494510083
En los cuentos de AMOR LIBRE asoma el deseo, el recuerdo, la ambigüedad sexual y la imaginación. A la desnuda luz del trastorno, las personas que lo padecen o lo descubren siguen hallando conexiones, palabras que flotan en la calle, amor en sitios insospechados. Ali Smith nos muestra cómo las cosas toman forma y cómo ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 320 páginas
PVP: 20,00 €
ISBN 978-84-16689-26-2
EAN 9788416689262
"L'accidental" és la vertiginosa i entretinguda història, perversament divertida, d'una misteriosa desconeguda --Amber-- que apareix de sobte durant les vacances d'estiu d'una família, els Smart, i transforma les seves vides fent-los infeliços. Amber els permet, d'una manera solipsista, veure les seves realitats sota una nova llum a cadascun dels Smarts --els pares, l'Eve i en ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
PVP: 16,75 €
ISBN 978-0-241-20701-7
EAN 9780241207017
The Epic of Gilgamesh was anexplosive adventure story about grosstyranny and enduring brotherhood.Taking this as her starting point, AliSmith reinvents all the worlds ancienttales and draws them together withher own distinctively modern twist.The result is an unexpected love storyabout youth, age, time and immortality.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
PVP: 15,00 €
ISBN 978-0-241-97459-9
EAN 9780241974599
This is a richly inventive new collection of stories from Ali Smith, author of How to be both, winner of the Baileys Women's Prize and the Costa Novel Award and shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Why are books so very powerful? What do the books we've read over our lives - our own personal ...
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Libro · 288 páginas
PVP: 22,00 €
ISBN 978-84-15539-98-8
EAN 9788415539988
Dues històries d'amor i d'injustícia separades per 500 anys i lligades amb un fil invisible. Un artista italià del Renaixement i una adolescent filla d'una activista política connectaran gràcies a la vida, la veritat i el temps. Com ser-ho alhora és una novel-la bella i inusual. Passat i present es confonen. L'art, l'activisme, la feminitat, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura
PVP: 22,60 €
ISBN 978-0-241-23746-5
EAN 9780241237465
Why are books so very powerful? What do the books we've read over our lives - our own personal libraries - make of us? What does the unravelling of our tradition of public libraries, so hard-won but now in jeopardy, say about us? The stories in Ali Smith's new collection are about what we do ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
PVP: 15,00 €
ISBN 978-1-78211-633-2
EAN 9781782116332
This is a Stunning retelling by the award-winning author Ali Smith. "Joyful." (Jeanette Winterson). "Pulls you in and doesn't let you go...bold and brilliant." (Jackie Kay)."A glorious wide-awake dream of a book...By the time I finished, my heart was beating and tears stood in my eyes, even as I had the biggest smile written all ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 384 páginas
PVP: 13,95 €
ISBN 978-0-14-102520-9
EAN 9780141025209
How to be both is the dazzling new novel by Ali Smith. Winner of the GoldSmiths Prize 2014 Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2014 Winner of the 2014 Costa Novel Award Winner of the Saltire Society Literary Book of the Year Award 2014 Nominated for the Folio Prize 2015. Passionate, compassionate, vitally inventive and ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 384 páginas
PVP: 15,75 €
ISBN 978-0-241-14682-8
EAN 9780241146828
Borrowing from painting's fresco technique to make an original literary double-take, it's a fast-moving genre-bending conversation between forms, times, truths and fictions. There's a renaissance artist of the 1460s. There's the child of a child of the 1960s.Two tales of love and injustice twist into a singular yarn where time gets timeless, structural gets playful, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
PVP: 13,80 €
ISBN 978-0-14-029680-8
EAN 9780140296808
This is a brilliant new collection of stories from a much loved and highly praised author. It presents stories for people who've grown up being told time is running out and don't want it to. How do you ever know the whole story? How do you ever know even part of the story? How do ...
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Sin ejemplares (se puede encargar)
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 320 páginas
PVP: 14,75 €
ISBN 978-0-241-14454-1
EAN 9780241144541
The long-awaited new novel by one of the UK's bestselling literary novelists. Ali Smith has been shortlisted for the Booker Prize (Hotel World) and twice for the Orange Prize as well as winning the Whitbread Novel of the Year Award for The Accidental in 2005.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 224 páginas
PVP: 9,00 €
ISBN 978-0-14-103801-8
EAN 9780141038018
"The First Person and Other Stories" effortlessly appeals to our hearts, heads and funny bones. Always intellectually playful, but also very moving and funny, Smith explores the ways and whys of storytelling. In one, a middle-aged woman conducts a poignant conversation with her gauche fourteen-year-old self. In another, an innocent supermarket shopper finds in her ...
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No dejes que nadie atraviese el umbral de tu casa hasta que no estés absolutamente seguro de quién es Un deleite, un cañonazo.La escritura como éxtasis, un placer vertiginoso. The Times NOVELA GANADORA DEL PREMIO WHITBREAD Y FINALISTA DEL PREMIO BOOKER Las vacaciones de verano de una familia británica de clase media están a punto ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 320 páginas
PVP: 10,25 €
ISBN 978-0-14-101039-7
EAN 9780141010397
Panning in on the Norfolk holiday home of the Smart family one hot summer, this novel is about the ways that seemingly chance encounters irrevocably transform our understanding of ourselves, which is also an exploration of the nature of truth, and the role of fate.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 252 páginas
PVP: 18,75 €
ISBN 978-84-204-6524-1
EAN 9788420465241
x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;B Cinco mujeres: cuatro están vivas, tres son forasteras, dos son hermanas, una está muerta. Y todas han pasado alguna vez por el hotel.x{0026}lt;/B x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P x{0026}lt;I Hotel Worldx{0026}lt;/I nos acoge en una noche de sus vidas. Por los pasillos caminan sus esperanzas y desencantos, cobijados en la memoria de ese lugar. Cada una ...
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