Mostrando 43 libros encontrados (3 páginas)
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 212 páginas
PVP: 14,50 €
ISBN 978-1-4063-3934-5
EAN 9781406339345
The monster showed up just after midnight. As they do. But it isn't the monster Conor's been expecting.He's been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one he's had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming...The monster in his back garden, though, ...
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Zwei gro e Erzähler - eine Geschichte, die den Tod in seine Schranken weistDas Monster erscheint sieben Minuten nach Mitternacht. Aber es ist nicht das Monster, das Conor fürchtet. Was er eigentlich fürchtet, ist jener monströse Albtraum, der ihn jede Nacht quält, seit seine Mutter ihre Behandlung begann. Dieser Traum, in dessen Herzen tiefstes Dunkel ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 496 páginas
PVP: 19,49 €
ISBN 978-1-4063-1025-2
EAN 9781406310252
This is an unflinching novel about the impossible choices of growing up, by an award-winning writer.Imagine you're the only boy in a town of men. And you can hear everything they think. And they can hear everything you think.Imagine you don't fit in with their plans...Todd Hewitt is just one month away from the birthday ...
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