x{0026}lt;P x{0026}lt;B Alice Munrox{0026}lt;/B (Wingham, 1931 - Ontario, 2024) creció en el seno de una familia de granjeros y estudió en la Universidad de Western Ontario. Es autora de catorce volúmenes de relatos, varias antologías y una novela. Sus cuentos han aparecido en revistas como x{0026}lt;I The New Yorkerx{0026}lt;/I , x{0026}lt;I Atlantic Monthly x{0026}lt;/I ox{0026}lt;I The Paris Reviewx{0026}lt;/I y han sido traducidos a trece idiomas.x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P A lo largo de su dilatada trayectoria recibió numerosos galardones, entre los que destacan el Governor Generalx{0026} x02019;s Award (en tres ocasiones); el Giller Prize (en dos); el National Book Critics Circle Award; el Rea Award; el Lannan Literary Award; el Premio Ennio Flaiano; el W.H. Smith Literary Award; el prestigioso Man Booker International Prize, que le fue otorgado en 2009 por la gran contribución de su obra al panorama literario mundial , y el Premio Nobel de Literatura, que recibió en 2013 por su maestría en el arte del relato .x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P Lumen ha publicado x{0026}lt;I La vida de las mujeres x{0026}lt;/I (1971); x{0026}lt;I Demasiada felicidad x{0026}lt;/I (2009); x{0026}lt;I Mi vida querida x{0026}lt;/I (2012); la selección de sus mejores relatos, que ella misma compiló bajo el títulox{0026}lt;I Todo queda en casa x{0026}lt;/I (2014);x{0026}lt;I ¿Quién te crees que eres? x{0026}lt;/I (2019); x{0026}lt;I Algo que quería contarte x{0026}lt;/I (2021), y x{0026}lt;I Danza de las sombrasx{0026}lt;/I (2022).x{0026}lt;/P
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ISBN 978-0-375-72743-6
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ISBN 978-84-9989-377-8
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x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;B La colección de cuentos más reciente de la gran autora canadiense.x{0026}lt;/B x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P Una joven madre recibe consuelo inesperado por la muerte de sus tres hijos, otra mujer reacciona de forma insólita ante la humillación a la que la somete un hombre; otros cuentos describen la crueldad de los niños y los huecos ...
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ISBN 978-84-264-2325-2
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Esta deliciosa novela, autobiográfica en la forma pero no en los contenidos, muestra toda la maestría y el peculiar modo de ver la realidad de esta gran figura de las letras contemporáneas. ¿Cómo lo hará Alice Munro? Lo que consigue parece magia. Sara Mesa Alice Munro tiene una mente prodigiosa. Es precisa, natural y cuenta ...
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ISBN 978-0-7011-7988-5
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Spanning her last five collections and bringing together her finest work from the past fifteen years, this new selection of Alice Munro's stories infuses everyday lives with a wealth of nuance and insight. Written with emotion and empathy, beautifully observed and remarkably crafted, these stories are nothing short of perfection. This is a masterclass in ...
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x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;B Una colección de relatos de la autora que actualmente está considerada la maestra mundial en el género.x{0026}lt;/B x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P Los relatos de este volumen son conmovedores y sorprendentes, y en ellos suceden muchas cosas: traiciones y reconciliaciones, amores consumados y lamentados. Pero los hechos que realmente subyacen en Las lunas de Júpiter son ...
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x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;B Una colección de relatos de la autora que actualmente está considerada la maestra mundial en el género.x{0026}lt;/B x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P En los diez relatos que componen x{0026}lt;I Amistad de juventudx{0026}lt;/I se recrean los misterios que anidan en el centro de la experiencia humana. Múltiples vidas circulan por sus páginas, las vidas de hombres y ...
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A wife and mother, whose spirit has been crushed, finds release from her extraordinary pain in the most unlikely place. The young victim of a humiliating seduction (which involves reading Housman in the nude) finds an unusual way to get her own back and move on. An older woman, dying of cancer, weaves a poisonous ...
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Brilliantly paced, lit with sparks of danger and underlying menace, these are dazzling, provocative stories about Svengali men, and radical women who outmanoeuvre them, about destructive marriages and curdled friendships, about mothers and sons, about moments which change or haunt a life. Alice Munro takes on complex, even harrowing emotions and events, and renders them ...
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Carried Away is a dazzling selection of stories seventeen favorites chosen by the author from across her distinguished career.Alice Munro has been repeatedly hailed as one of our greatest living writers, a reputation that has been growing for years. The stories brought together here span a quarter century, drawn from some of her earliest books, ...
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On a clear day, you could see America' from Edinburgh's Castle Rock or so said Alice Munro's great-great-great-grandfather, James Laidlaw, when he had drink taken. Then, in 1818, Laidlaw left the parish of 'no advantages', of banked Presbyterian emotions and uncanny tales where, like his more famous cousin James Hogg, he was born and bred ...
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In the thirteen stories in her remarkable second collection, Alice Munro demonstrates the precise observation, straightforward prose style, and masterful technique that led no less a critic than John Updike to compare her to Chekhov. The sisters, mothers and daughters, aunts, grandmothers, and friends in these stories shimmer with hope and love, anger and reconciliation, ...
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The characters who populate an Alice Munro story live and breathe. Passions hopelessly conceived, affections betrayed, marriages made and broken: the joys, fears, loves and awakenings of women echo throughout these twelve unforgettable stories, laying bare the unexceptional and yet inescapable pain of human contact.
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In these stories whose lives come into focus through single events or sudden memories which bring the past bubbling to the surface. The past, as her characters discover, is made up not only of what is remembered, but also what isn't. The past is there, just out of the picture, but if memories haven't been ...
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The only novel from Alice Munro-award-winning author of The Love of a Good Woman--is an insightful, honest book, "autobiographical in form but not in fact," that chronicles a young girl's growing up in rural Ontario in the 1940's. Del Jordan lives out at the end of the Flats Road on her father's fox farm, where ...
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